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Health Tips

Breast cancer update for the Middle East by Sadir Rawi and his team.

A new era in breast, cancer, treatment surgery, Medical Oncology, and radiation supportive therapy by Dr. Sadir Rawi, and his team.

مع الحاصل على جائزة نوبل د الفن روث في زيارة لمعهد برجيل للاورام وشرح كيف نقوم بتحسين علاج السرطان في دولة الامارات عن طريق الابحاث الطبية والتعاون الدولي

We are rolling for Burjeel MedicalCity Oncology ProgramResearch in progressAll subspecialization were completed MenaVPS Oncology & Surgery in MENA through Burjeel Cancer Institute(BCI) Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates, Oman and Iraq are the hubs of InnovationThat’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai#MENAVPS & affiliated oncology Centers High standard of technical skills, quality

Parathyroid diseases.

Parathyroid Disease (1)

Wash Your Hands 👐👐👐

Participate in the World Health Organization (WHO) challenge for #SafeHands and wash your hands frequently using soap and water for at least 20 seconds to fight #Coronavirus. Tag a friend now. #CDC #SafeHandsChallenge #SavingLives Disclaimer: The music used in this video is taken from CDC Global’s Happy Handwashing Song

Healthy Eating Plate

Good Health comes with good healthy food.

Lifestyle plays a major role in the management of diabetes

Lifestyle plays a major role in the management of diabetes. ▶️Here are 6 tips to help you live a positive and fulfilling life. 1. Eat healthy. 2. Exercise. 3. Get checkups. 4. Manage stress. 5. Stop smoking. 6. Watch your alcohol To book an appointment call 04 378 6666 or visit

Did you know that a single shisha smoking session is equivalent to 125 cigarettes?

Did you know that a single shisha smoking session is equivalent to 125 cigarettes? If you are a regular shisha smoker, then you have an increased risk of lung cancer. If you need a FREE 2nd opinion/consultation for lung cancer, Please call +971551010169 / +97143786666 or click

Hormonal therapy in the breast cancer

Hormone therapy for breast cancer is a treatment for breast cancers that are sensitive to hormones. The most common forms of hormone therapy for breast cancer work by blocking hormones from attaching to receptors on cancer cells or by decreasing the body’s production of hormones. Hormone therapy is only used for breast cancers that are

Breast cancer chemoprevention: Medicines that reduce breast cancer risk

Preventive medications (chemoprevention) reduce breast cancer risk in women at high risk of developing the disease. Find out how these medications work plus associated side effects and health risks. If you’re at high risk of breast cancer, you may be able to improve your odds of staying cancer-free by taking certain medicines, an approach known

Belching, intestinal gas and bloating: Tips for reducing them

Belching, gas and bloating can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Here’s what causes these signs and symptoms — and how you can minimize them.     Belching or passing gas (flatus) is natural and common. Excessive belching or flatus, accompanied by bloating, pain or distention, can occasionally interfere with daily activities or cause embarrassment. But these