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Unveiling Hope for Peritoneal Cancer Patients: HIPEC Surgery in Iraq

Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) is a specialized surgical procedure that combines heated chemotherapy with surgery to treat peritoneal carcinomatosis, a condition where cancer cells spread to the peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity. In Iraq, HIPEC surgery is emerging as a beacon of hope for patients battling peritoneal malignancies.

  1. Understanding the Need for HIPEC Surgery

Peritoneal carcinomatosis can arise from various primary cancers, including colorectal, ovarian, gastric, and appendix cancers. These cancer cells spread within the peritoneum, making traditional systemic chemotherapy less effective. HIPEC addresses this challenge by directly delivering heated chemotherapy to the affected area.

  1. The HIPEC Procedure: A Dual Approach

HIPEC involves two main steps:

a) Cytoreductive surgery: The surgeon meticulously removes visible tumor deposits from the peritoneum, reducing the tumor burden.

b) Heated chemotherapy: Heated chemotherapy solution is circulated throughout the abdominal cavity for about 90 minutes, targeting any remaining microscopic cancer cells.

  1. Benefits of HIPEC Surgery

HIPEC offers several advantages:

a) Direct delivery: Heated chemotherapy targets cancer cells more effectively, minimizing systemic toxicity.

b) Enhanced efficacy: Heat enhances chemotherapy’s penetration and cytotoxicity, improving its effectiveness.

c) Improved outcomes: HIPEC can prolong survival and even achieve a cure in select cases.

  1. Advancements in HIPEC Surgery in Iraq

Despite the challenges faced by the healthcare system in Iraq, HIPEC surgery has gained momentum. Specialized centers have emerged, equipped with advanced surgical facilities and trained medical teams. Surgeons have gained expertise in performing HIPEC, offering patients access to this life-saving treatment.

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  1. Factors to Consider When Choosing a HIPEC Center

When selecting a HIPEC center in Iraq, consider the following factors:

a) Experience and specialization: Choose a center with a proven track record in HIPEC procedures.

b) Multidisciplinary team: Ensure the center has a team of experienced surgeons, oncologists, and anesthesiologists.

c) Hospital infrastructure: The center should be affiliated with a well-equipped hospital to manage complex cases.

d) Patient support services: Look for centers that provide comprehensive pre-and post-operative care and psychosocial support.

  1. Conclusion

HIPEC surgery represents a significant advancement in the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis in Iraq. While still in its early stages of adoption, HIPEC offers renewed hope for patients battling this challenging condition. With growing expertise and advancements in healthcare infrastructure, Iraq is poised to make significant strides in providing this life-saving treatment to more patients.